Soler & Palau

S&P is the world's leading producer of air movement products. S&P manufactures and supplies fans, dampers, louvers and recovery ventilators (ERVs & HRVs). These products are used in various industries including residential, commercial, industrial and institutional buildings.

S&P USA operations are based in Jacksonville, Florida. This geographically strategic location allows the shipment of products throughout the US and Canada. The Jacksonville manufacturing facility has more than 150,000 square feet of warehouse space for the stocking of a comprehensive range of products. This permits the overnight delivery of many popular model sizes to anywhere in the US and Canada.

Currently S&P's R&D, manufacturing and distribution facilities occupy a total of 1.1 million square feet, with offices and locations around the globe. S&P products can be found in virtually any commercial or residential application, ranging from innovative, quiet and reliable room ventilators to large diameter, high capacity exhaust systems designed for critical applications in some of the world's toughest environments.

For more information, contact our main office to speak with one of our Sales Reps or visit: